Computing, Ethics, & Society

CS 396: Fall 2021

Computing, Ethics, & Society

Schedule > 21. Course Synthesis

Week 11: Thu, Dec 2

In this class, we’ve read about a variety of dilemmas (many of which have always been with us), and some of the ways in which technologies can amplify, reify, shift, etc. these dilemmas. This has included examining:

  1. Technological determinism (the “inevitability argument”) – the idea that technology is moving us to some sort of “natural,” predetermined equilibrium that is beyond our control.
  2. The idea that technologies are socially constructed – designed by people with particular goals and intentions in mind, amid existing sets of power relations.

For this final identity journal reflection, I’d like you to put yourself into the “social construction of technology” camp, and take seriously the possibility that technologies (broadly construed as technologies and social systems more broadly) can be recalibrated and redirected in many different ways to shape many different possible outcomes. From this perspective, please:

  1. Pick an article (suggestions below) that connects to and tries to address a problem that you care about, and
  2. Write a final Identity Journal reflection to think about how these ideas might inform your work going forward.

Step 1: Pick an article / lecture to read (or revisit) from the list below

Try to pick a reading that inspires you (and if none of these do, find one that does). Read your article with a critical eye on the solutions / recommendations given.

Step 2: Final Identity Journal Entry

Write your final identity journal reflection
