Computing, Ethics, & Society

Assignments > Midterm

Due on Mon, 05/01 @ 11:59PM.


Using at least 3 of the academic sources we have read so far, develop a conceptual framework that articulates your unique perspective on technology:

  • Your conceptual framework should integrate theoretical arguments from the readings covered thus far and your own personal identity and experience in the world.
  • Ultimately, your conceptual framework should be useful, and productive. You will draw upon it to conduct a sociopolitical analysis of your technology.
  • Your analysis will be designed to shed light on questions such as:
    • What values do this technology reflect, embrace, reject, or encourage?
    • Who is affected by its design? How was its design affected by society?
    • Who reaps the benefits, and who suffers the costs of its creation and use?

Your paper should be 5-6 pages double spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman. Follow APA guidelines for formatting and references.


(Grade: A-B)
(Grade: B-C)
Needs work
(Grade: C or lower)
Structure, clarity, citations Easy to follow line of analysis through the paper. Well Organized. APA Formatting. Citations. Needs additional clarity on line of analysis through the paper. Semi Organized. APA Formatting. Citations. Minimal to no line of analysis through the paper. Not Organized. Lacks APA Formatting. Lacks citations.  
Conceptual Framework Thoughtful integration of multiple theoretical perspectives drawing on at least 3 constructs from readings covered so far; clear articulation of how personal experience/identity informs conceptual framework; makes visible how conceptual framework will be useful for the specific purposes of the ethical analysis centered in paper. Includes references to theoretical constructs and/or personal experience/identity, but integration is unclear or incoherent; link to analysis is partial or incomplete. Does not integrate multiple theoretical perspectives using readings; fails to incorporate personal experience/identity in framework; unclear how framework is linked to analysis.  
Analysis Draws clear connections to conceptual framework with references to readings as appropriate. Considers multiple perspectives and includes analysis which addresses implications of technology and how societal conditions shaped design and intent of technology. Makes undertheorized connections to conceptual framework with references to readings as appropriate. Considers one perspective and lacks analysis that addresses both implications of technology and how societal conditions shaped design and intent of technology. No clear connections to conceptual framework. Does not consider perspectives or include analysis that addresses implications of technology and how societal conditions shaped design and intent of technology.